Understanding the Different Property Tax Codes & How It Can Help You
Real Estate LawPitch: You can benefit in unexpected ways if you know the tax codes that pertain to your property, as well as predict when the IRS might take a closer look based on how these codes…
Navigating Through Purchase & Sale Contract And Agreements With The Right Real Estate Attorney
Real Estate LawBuying or selling a home or business is a significant transaction that will impact your life in some way regardless if this is your first real estate transaction or your thirtieth. Enlisting the help of…
What Are The Different Types Of Guardianship?
InsightsWhen a person is unable to care for themselves, or manage their own affairs a guardian may be appointed to manage some or all of their important decisions for them. These legal arrangements are known…
What Do You Do When Your Lawyer Makes Mistakes?
Legal EthicsAs human beings, we all make mistakes. Attorney’s are hardly immune from making errors and flubs. However, due to the trust that client’s place in their attorneys, and the importance of the tasks which attorneys…
Valk Law Why Hiring the Right Land Use and Zoning Attorney Helps a lot
InsightsReasons to Hire a Land Use & Zoning Attorney A land use lawyer is one of those things you often do not realize you need until it is too late. You are drowning in code…
Navigating Through The Regulatory Maze With The Right Land Use & Zoning Attorney
Land UseIn 1916, New York City enacted the nation’s first zoning regulations in a bid by upscale department store owners to keep garment factories from setting up shop next door. The idea took hold and soon…
How A Real Estate Attorney Can Help With Your Boundary Disputes
Real Estate LawWe have all heard the familiar saying, ‘Good fences make for good neighbors’. But, what happens when you and your neighbor have a difference of opinion about who owns the land that you want to…
7 Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Attorney
Real Estate LawMany people believe they have a pretty firm idea of how best to protect their property from legal attacks, only to realize too late that their limited knowledge amounted to nothing when going up against…
The Importance of Real Property Asset Protection
Real Estate LawHow The Law Can Keep Your Valuables Safe Pitch: You spent your hard-earned money on the things you need to make your home exactly how you want it. And this includes inside and outside. But…